
The FRC is guided by Community development approaches, principles, values, and methods. Our Community Development approach ensures we work to empower, enable, and support communities to improve quality of life. We work to address poverty and social exclusion, and to achieve rights and equality for marginalised communities including people experiencing poverty, inequality, and social exclusion.


A just and inclusive society.


To provide safe, welcoming, and supportive opportunities that empower the community to develop and realise its full potential.


The Centre has a clear commitment to discovering our community's capacities and assets while allowing for flexibility to respond to the needs as and when they emerge. The Centre aims to:

  • Engage community development practices to support the local community’s commitment to investing themselves and their resources in the effort.
  • Provide structures which facilitate local people to support each other and search for ways to improve the quality of life in the area.
  • Ensure services are in place that meets defined needs of individuals, families and the community, positively affecting people both directly and indirectly.
  • Provide developmental and supportive services and programmes which are open to all while supporting those most disadvantaged and socially excluded to avail of such services.
  • Maximise the skills of local residents, the power of community-based organisations, and the supportive functions of local institutions. Our vision, mission and values form the basis of our Strategic Plan.

Policies of Northside Family Resource Centre

Transparent & Clear Accountability

Northside Family Resource Centre are committed to ensuring transparent and clear accountability in the way we work.

To do this we have adopted a complete range of good practice standards. In 2021, we completed out reporting on the Charity Regulators Governance Code which tracked our full compliance with all of the guidelines and recommendations for charities published by the Charities Regulator

Our website is our primary channel for delivering transparency in how we do our work. This includes good practice standards required of our board of management members and finances to our daily operations policies. Our full suite of policies can be found below.

In order to make information like finances as easy as possible to find, we provide the most pertinent points from the Director’s Report and the SPEAK 2021 Report.

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