Adult Education (accredited courses)

Northside Family Resource Centre offers a suite of accredited courses with many learners achieving a major award with us. Due to demand we give priority to those living locally.

Adult Education

We offer Level 3, Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6 QQI accredited courses. We generally offer 2 modules in each discipline in an academic year i.e. Childcare - Level 5 and 6, Healthcare Level 5 and Community Development Level 5.

Our Level 3 and 4 QQI courses come under general learning. We offer Culinary Skills Level 3 and our Misfits Drama group study under General Learning Level 4. Our accredited courses, like our non-accredited courses, are facilitated by LCETB tutors.

Here in Northside FRC our focus is on the active participation of the learner in their course and we endeavour to support learners in every way possible. We support progression with an end goal of achieving a major award.  We generally have around 100 students receiving QQI minor awards in any academic year.

Course Enquiry

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